Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Get your ticket today. Members are invited to speak.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
6:30 – 8:30 pm (speakers begin promptly at 7:00 pm)
The National Opera Center of America
330 Seventh Ave, Charles Mackay Room, NY, NY 10001
The Salon Series
Our goal is to create an event that will help our chapter membership support each other more fully by making sure we get to hear each other more.What will the event look like?
Five speakers will speak for five minutes about anything they want. This can be part of a pre-existing talk or this can be an idea you are considering for a future client. After each speaker presents, your host will facilitate an exchange with the audience about what they loved of the content and what they wanted and did not receive. Five speakers, five minutes of exchange for each and solid take-a-ways to improve your speaking business.
What do you do if you want to participate?
Interested speakers must express their interest and send an email to the event host (Cathy Dolan-Schweitzer, cathy@healthwelldone.com).
Who gets to present and how are we notified and by when?
Five are chosen through a random selection process and will be notified by email.
If I’m selected, then what?
If you are selected through the random selection process, you will present your five minute speech at The National Opera Center America. The event host will be available to speak over the phone before the event and walk you through how much fun you can expect to have.
If I’m not selected, then what?
This is an ongoing event. There will be another opportunity to be selected for a future Salon Series. All members are not only encouraged to attend, but also to bring guests. Being part of the audience is part of the experience. The goal is that this ongoing event gives us all a chance to use this format to perfect our craft!
Who can attend? How much are tickets?
Anyone can attend. Tickets are $30. Audience will include members and non-members because the goal of this event is to showcase the kind of support and development NSA NYC provides regularly. We want potential members to see how much value we create through our support for each other’s progress.