NSA NYC Volunteer Questionnaire Form If you are human, leave this field blank.Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee for the 2024/2025 NSA NYC Board of Directors thanks you for taking the time to fill out this brief questionnaire. In March 2024, a member of the committee will reach out to schedule a brief meeting with the committee to get to know you, share the themes for next year and how you can help. The information you provide below is strictly confidential and is only to support the committee’s process. First and Last Name *E-mail *WebsiteLinkedIn ProfileWe appreciate your interest in joining the Board of Directors of NSA NYC. Please tell us what makes you interested. What attracts you to volunteering for NSA NYC? *Please share examples of where you have volunteered and/or served on a board of another organization. What were your roles and responsibilities? *We are always looking for people with specific skills. What expertise from your business or past volunteer work would you bring to the board? *What kind of volunteer commitment are you open to? (Check all that apply) *Event Planning and ManagementMember EngagementMembership ManagementPartnerships and Sponsorships Mastermind ChairVolunteer at meetingsOther (specify below)Other commitment, please describePlease give us a quick overview of your background in The National Speakers Association. Not all committee members may know you personally. *What do you see as the strengths of the chapter? *What else would you like to tell us that is relevant? For example, in your view what is the best way to handle conflict? Have you led teams? Do you have event-planning experience? Again, not everyone on the committee knows you, please toot your own horn! * Thank you for your time and interest in supporting NSA NYC! We look forward to meeting with you!Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit