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Welcome to the National Speakers Association

NYC Chapter (NSA NYC)

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As a Member of NSANYC You Are Eligible to Apply for Our Mentorship Program

The 2024 / 2025 Mentorship Program runs from October 2024 through June 2025

The NSA New York Mentorship Program provides mentoring opportunities for members of our chapter. Mentoring is a mutual sharing of experiences and opinions to create agreed-upon outcomes. This program is designed to enhance skills in alignment with our Chapter’s goals of increasing member value and professional development. It offers a valuable learning experience for both mentors and mentees.

Application period for this year is closed. Once we received your application, our Member Engagement Directors will reach out to schedule a brief interview to facilitate the matching process. If you have any questions please email us at,

Application period to apply as a mentee is closed for this year. The program is full.

How Does it Help You?

  • The value partners gain in mentoring depends largely on the goals of the mentoring pair and their professional relationship. Participants may find that their involvement in the program helps to solve complex problems within their work environment, advance career paths, or to grow business.
  • We hope that this program helps to develop habits that will be critical success factors for developing new career opportunities and long-term professional growth.

What are the advantages of being a Mentor with NSA New York?

  • Your mentee will be the first to provide speaking recommendations for you
  • You mentee will be able to provide you with glowing testimonials about your dedication, skill set and more 
  • You will have an opportunity to present your work with the mentee at chapter meetings and get photographed and videotaped

How does it work?

  • Our Mentoring Program is group based. Participants in the program are encouraged to spend time sharing challenges, ideas, and perspectives on specific areas of project management for the benefit of their own professional development objectives.
  • Mentors and mentees are paired based on areas of industry, interest, skills, and other similarities. Participation in the Mentoring Program is a rewarding experience, which will further establish your place in our professional and social networking community.

What does a mentor do?

Mentors are facilitators and catalysts in the process of discovery and insights. Previous experience should be used as a guideline rather than a master plan.

In a learning partnership, the mentor's role to "guide on the side" rather than be "the expert with answers." Share information that is valuable to your listener.

Click here for Mentor Application.

What does a mentee do?

Mentees are responsible for setting priorities, finding resources, learning and becoming increasingly self-directed throughout the mentorship partership.

The Mentees focus their participation on identifying and reaching professional development milestones or achieving career goals. Think about what drives your quest for knowledge. Have a set of goals to accomplish before going paired with a mentory

Click here for Mentee Application.

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Contact us

Mailing Address:


1632 1st Ave, #21285

New York, NY 10028

NSA New York

Thank you to our Chapter sponsors. If you would like to become a sponsor of NSA NYC, please email us at

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